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Why hire a professional?


If you are interested in hiring a professional for your SEO campaign, we have several reasons why that would be a good, solid investment that will likely pay for itself:


September 06, 2019 Written by
Published in Digital Services

Changing with the digital times

We have watched the times changed since 2000 where people still depended on the delivery of the yellow pages at their doorsteps. Now we are at the time where people are Googling/Binging people before they go out on a date with them.

Digital Transformation (change) is the coordination of computerized innovation into all zones of business, on a very basic level changing how you work and convey an incentive to clients. It's additionally a social change that expects associations to persistently challenge the present state of affairs, explore, and get settled with disappointment.

September 03, 2019 Written by

Case Study

September 03, 2019 Written by

Branding & Promotions

{tab Branding is not your logo}

Branding, Promotion, & Marketing is the route to success for all companies. This medium must not be taken lightly. -->Branding is not your logo...

Let Mastercopy design a marketing outlet that works for you.

All quotes are FREE - Get an idea, even if you do not choose to carry through.


A great deal of information and misinformation exists around the notion of brands and branding, but I have found that the essence of a brand can be distilled down to three simple concepts.

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Our vision is to establish a Global Network that services our customers and creates an environment that values employees who love their work and what they do for iMastercopy. We strive to service all with excellence Started as a service that provided optical and duplication service in “24 Hour” we still honor that although the name has changed to iMasterCopy.

Focus: Our Focus is to make our clients love us and us to love them back!
To Become the medium one-stop location, with a branded name is “offices” that services Businesses, Musician and Film Makers that requires our services, but find it difficult to find the right service provider that focuses on customer services. Mastercopy stays updated with new technology that helps our client achieve their missions.  Services include Marketing and Promotions, Media Services, Disc Duplication, IT/Web services, Printing, and Music/Book/App Promotions. Always looking for great partnerships, contact us if you're interested.