Focus Family:
Groom our company to create a family environment. Employees work better when their family lives are in perspective and hold on to their spiritual beliefs. Management is not shown different treatment when it come to the health of the company and our services to clients and the community.
Build a family company environment that services its customers with excellence in all manners and medium that reflect a spiritual and Christian based structure and thoughts.
To build a Christian based company that allows employees to embrace their religion, but at the same respect the founder Christian centered company.
Allow employees to be who they are in order to perform and integrated themselves in the workplace so it’s not just another “Job”, But a “Career” because they feel they are making and contribution to the organization.
Highlight the Three “R” in all we do. “Respect”“Representation” and “revolutionize”.
Integrate the 4 Ps of high performance between us and our client: “Purpose, Positions, Process, and Performance. Remain a leading service provide for Disc Duplication, Printing, Graphic and Digital Services. A Leader is one who serve and not one that uses others. Therefore, iMasterCopy’s goal is also to “lead”. Provide Continuous improvement in areas that can strength the services we provide to our clients. Give freedom our employees to communicate openly and honestly and support them even when mistakes are made.