Are you ready or in the position to take on your own Social Media Marketing and Search Engine Optimization Campaign? This is a task on it's just keeping up with what is going with your life much less have the time to run a proper marketing campaign that makes a difference. With all that needs to be done such as Social Media Campaign/Maintenance, Permanent Back Link, Press Release Locations, Mobile Marketing ad, Guarantee Facebook "Likes, Report/Tracking, Shopping Site, Video Marketing, Online Advertising, daily Lead Access, Ads in magazines, SEO Optimization (submit 400 directories), Industry Directory submissions, Social Bookmarking Submissions, Article Submissions (article directories), Blog Submissions, Meta tags changes suggestions, Keyword research, Competitor Analysis, Heading tag changes, Alt tag changes, Interlinking wherever required, Keyword density in site content, HTML Site Map (XML site map and Submission in webmaster) and etc.
Try outsourcing and see what comes of it all when what is required by you is done right.