Create A Website.
If you’re serious about building an online presence, then you need to build a website. You can use free services like or to do so. However, these services aren’t designed for musicians. They’re more suited to small businesses and bloggers who want to share their work with others.
Build An Email List.
Once you have a website up and running, you should start collecting email addresses. This will allow you to send out emails to people who have expressed interest in what you’re doing. It also allows you to stay in touch with your fans and followers. You can use a tool like Mailchimp.
Promote Your Music Online.
There are several different ways to promote your music online. You can use social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. You can also use blogs, forums, and other websites.
Find Fans And Followers.
If you want people to listen to your music, then you need to find fans who will listen to it. This means finding people who share your musical tastes and interests. It also means following up with those people so they know when new music comes out. You can outsource or use a company like Addmefast.
Grow Your Audience.
There are many different ways to market your music digitally. Here are five steps to help you do just that.
1. Create an Online Presence
2. Promote Yourself
3. Get Social
4. Make Money
5. Keep Up With Trends
6. Get the right Social Media presence.