This is a continuous case study and will be updated to reflect the results and medium taken for this branding, & marketing campaign. Our task is to increase website traffic of potential client interest that will request a quote or work to be done. Create visibility in the county in the United Be apart of the commercial community for construction and renovations Help increase revenue by 20%
Jawz.Net is one of the world’s premiere leaders in aquarium & Furniture art. They provide new construction to renovation, all of their construction is done in-house. They are very big on ensuring the beauty and tranquility so each project is optimized to its fullest potential.
Branding, Promotion, & Marketing is the route to success for all companies. This medium must not be taken lightly. -->Branding is not your logo...
Let Mastercopy design a marketing outlet that works for you.
All quotes are FREE - Get an idea, even if you do not choose to carry through.
A great deal of information and misinformation exists around the notion of brands and branding, but I have found that the essence of a brand can be distilled down to three simple concepts.